seal of beech bottom

Village of Beech Bottom


Please note: The Ordinances listed below are for reference purpose only.
Ordinances are available at the city building. You can look through them there. If you want copies, they are $1.00 a page.
Be it ordained by the Council of the Village of Beech Bottom that there is hereby created a Village Water Board composed of five (5) Water Board members who shall be residents of the Village of Beech Bottom, Said Village Water Board shall, subject to the following rules and regulations, have the control, supervision and management of the Village Water Works and running the same of the reservoir, engine well, pipes, repairs, improvements, and additions thereto, and of the supply of water to the consumers, for such compensation as any be fixed in pursuance of these rules and regulations;
Whereas by Federal and State Statute, all cities, towns and villages located on the Ohio River) its tributaries, etc. have been ordered to establish Sewerage Treatment Plants for untreated waste being deposited in said Ohio River and it’s Tributaries, and ; Whereas, it is desire of the village of Beech Bottom to establish a Sewerage Treatment Plant and the necessary sewerage facilities for said plant,
Whereas, the Village of Beech Bottom is a Municipal Corporation located within the confines of Brooke County, West Virginia, and; Whereas, the said Village is without treatment facilities and adequate collection facilities for the collection, treatment, purification and disposal of liquid or solid waste sewage or industrial waste;