seal of beech bottom

Village of Beech Bottom


Please note: The Ordinances listed below are for reference purpose only.
Ordinances are available at the city building. You can look through them there. If you want copies, they are $1.00 a page.
After the effective date of this section, pursuant to West Virginia Code 8-13-7, there is hereby imposed a tax of five percent (5%) of the retail purchase price of any and all intoxicating liquors purchased from the Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner or from any person licensed to sell wine at retail to the public under the provision of West Virginia Code Article 60-8, within the corporate boundaries of the Village of Beech Bottom.
Be it ordained by the Common Council of the Village of Beech Bottom that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to consume whiskey, wine, beer, and/or any other alcoholic beverage while in a motor vehicle, or in body or bodies, on the streets, playgrounds, alleys, or any other property owned by the Village. This ordinance includes property located within the corporate limits of the Village of Beech Bottom.